24 July 1944
Start Location:
War Office map with kind permission of Normandy War Guide
End Location:
Movements of enemy tracked vehicles were heard in morning by forward Company.
Enemy shelling and mortaring continued at intervals with a heavy concentration in the afternoon.
Recce patrols went out in daylight and at night.
PW brought in by "C" Company.
One shell falling near Bn HQ caused 4 casualties.
Reinforcements arrived at night. Most sent to "B" and "C" Companies.
24 July 1944
German prisoners of War
Alternative Information (from books, personal accounts)
Please contact us if you have any information regarding this date. Thank you.
Died on this day =
24 July 1944
Wounded on this day =
Cpl William Pake | 3185722 | Wounded in wrist, stomach and left leg. | |
L/Sjt Henry Miller | 6347838 | Possibly wounded by enemy shell fire in Sannerville | |
Pte G. Holder | 14401110 | Possibly wounded by enemy shell fire in Sannerville | |
Pte. S.D. Collow | 3193883 | Possibly wounded by enemy shell fire in Sannerville | |
Pte J. Wilkie | 3196899 | Possibly wounded by enemy shell fire in Sannerville - remained at duty. | |
Pte J. Herd | 3192615 | Possibly wounded by enemy shell fire in Sannerville | |
L/Cpl E.L. Graham | 3194008 | Possibly wounded by enemy shell fire in Sannerville | |
Pte R. Kemp | 14212011 | Possibly wounded by enemy shell fire in Sannerville |