23 July 1944
Start Location:
War Office map with kind permission of Normandy War Guide
End Location:
Own artillery active at first light.
About ten shells fell to rear of Bn HQ area from SE direction.
Two enemy stretcher bearers approached "A" Company forward positions and asked to bury their dead. After finding it was genuine our stretcher bearers and party went out.
One platoon of "D" Company moved forward towards 2 RUR to take up position North of railway line.
Enemy shelling continued at intervals.
Four deserters from 346 Fus Bn came in through "D" Company lines.
23 July 1944
A stretcher bearer of the Durham Light Infantry, 50th Division, attends to German wounded near Lingevres, 13 June 1944. IWM
Alternative Information (from books, personal accounts)
Captain 2/IC of A Company, James Gray wrote, "On July 23, two enemy Stretcher Bearers (SBs) approached ‘B’ Coy position and asked that they and ourselves should bury our dead who were lying in ‘No man’s land’. A party of SBs under our Padre, Capt Wilson, went out and did this job. As in Cambes Wood some very good patrolling was done, and several prisoners were taken mostly from 364 Fusilier Battalion and 192 Panzer Grenadiers."
From Border Telegraph -
Died on this day =
23 July 1944