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C.O. June 1944:

Major R.G. Waldie, MC

2 i/c Capt. J. Gray

Lieut. A. M. Young Wounded 9 June 1944

Lieut. Gilbert Hamilton (296214)

Lieut James Bird Cranston *Died 22 May 1945

C.S.M C.S.M. J. Atkinson Killed in action 21 June 44

Second in Command on D-Day is listed as Capt James Gray of Galashiels. He wrote, "Early on June 7 we prepared to attack the village of Gazelle. We moved on bicycles through Periers-Sur-le-Dan preparatory to the attack. At midday patrols reported Gazelle clear of the enemy and led by ā€˜Cā€™ Company (Major H.S. Gillies) the Battalion moved through Gazelle to the woods north of Le Mesnil.

We stayed until the morning of the 9th when we were relieved by the S Lancs while the Royal Ulster Rifles (RUR) attacked Cambes Wood. At 18.00 the Battalion was ordered to pass through the RUR who had reached their objectives but were pinned down by heavy machine Gun, and Mortar Fire. The Battalion attacked after passing through the RUR and were met by machine gun fire and heavy mortar fire, but all Coys successfully reached their objectives. The Battalion suffered several casualties mainly from mortar fire." From the Border Telegraph -

From Official War Diary

7th June 44. Patrols were sent out during the night, during which Lieut Cranston's patrol ran up against an enemy heavy tank, inflicting casualties on the crew.

19th July 1944. "C" Coy were to take Station at 158677 and "A" Coy the X roads 161676. Both attacks were met with heavy cross fire from MG's and though supported by tanks had to withdraw with heavy casualties.

23 July 1944. Two enemy stretcher bearers approached "A" Company forward positions and asked to bury their dead. After finding it was genuine our stretcher bearers and party went out.

6th August 1944. The 'O' Group moved to S.L. at 0815 and the attack with "C" Coy on left and "D" Coy on right commenced at 0845 hrs. An attack on positions S of the river (sqs 6734, 6735) was ordered at 1700 hrs to start at 1800 hrs. This attack was carried out with "C" Coy on the right and "A" Coy on the left. The two coys reached their first objective and pushed on but were pinned down by enemy MG fire from flanks when approaching the railway (sq 6737). These two coys made this adv against fairly heavy opposition, almost completely unsupported.

One complete pl of "A" Coy is missing from this operation and many offrs and ORs of both coys were killed and wounded.

23rd August 1944. A draft of 3 officers and 60 ORs (other ranks) arrived. Some of these were members of this Bn who had been wounded. The majority however were from the Royal Scots, and were posted to "A" Coy.

5th September 1944. "A" & "B" Coys moved to new position at ETREPAGNY, a village 5 kilometres distant.



Company Pipe tune:

The Bugle Horn

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