18 July 1944
Start Location:
War Office map with kind permission of Normandy War Guide
End Location:
Bn left for assembly area near LE MESNIL (133727). After waiting there for a short time the move to FUP was commenced. Route - HEROUVILLETTE and mostly cross country, almost due South to position West of TOUFREVILLE. Enemy mortar fire was encountered on route. The Commanding Officer was wounded but carried on in command, and other casualties occurred.
The advance to TROARN was commenced and after reaching SANNERVILLE "D" & "B" Companies pushed forward encountering enemy MGs, whilst enemy shelling continued.
After an attack by "B" Company the Bn occupied a position in orchard 150678. Consolidation was carried out.
The advance and attack were carried out in very hot weather over dusty roads and through villages rendered almost impassable by heavy bombing by the RAF.
By darkness it was evident that the enemy snipers had been pushed in and that the Bn was up against a strong def position.
18 July 1944
A Universal Carrier carrier passes a burnt-out German SdKfz 250/9 reconnaissance half-track near Troarn during Operation 'Goodwood', 19 July 1944. IWM
Alternative Information (from books, personal accounts)
More information on Operation Goodwood can be found here
On the Monday (sic?) morning was the heavy bombing of Sannerville and areas close to Troarn, we moved forward through Escoville to Touffreville and on to Sannerville, the trouble was on our left, the hills and woods of Beauvent (?) where the German guns were situated.
1st KOSB Veteran, Jeff Henderson
Moving through the ruins of Escoville the Borderers climbed a long slope and dug in amongst the cornflowers and poppies and waited. Casualties had begun to mount as a German OP in the woods to their left was bringing down effective fire and a steady stream of “moaning minnies”. The CO Lt Col GD Renny was wounded twice but refused to go back, the Jocks were now suffering from thirst and the intense heat.
KOSB.Co.uk Click the link to read the full article .DOC format
18th July AM - Escoville
Start of Operation Goodwood. At 8:15, after watching the bombers flatten the enemy positions, they set off through the fields to Escoville. They lay in the orchards surrounding the village then up a slope towards Sannerville. Upon arrival, they dug in on a slope towards cornfields. D company passed through the town but ran into heavy mortar fire as they passed through the Eastern exits. When the rest of the Bttn moved in, they were pounded by 88s and sniper fire.
In the evening, they were held up on outskirts of Troarn (where the two roads split). Remained dug in until 31st July.
Died on this day =
18 July 1944
Wounded on this day =
L/Cpl W. H. Temple | 3188534 | Possibly wounded by enemy fire in advance to Troarn | |
Sjt F. M. Meggitt M.M. | 3186890 | Treated by 2RUR medics for GSW to left arm. Possibly wounded by enemy fire in advance to Troarn | |
Major C. G. Stonor | 108168 | CO, wounded but carried on in command. | |
Pte A. Orr | 14210704 | Wounded in the leg by enemy fire in advance to Troarn | |
Lt D. Winn | 268944 | Treated by 2RUR medics for GSW to left arm. Possibly wounded by enemy fire in advance to Troarn | |
Pte R.J. King | 3189400 | Treated by 2RUR medics for GSW to right thigh. Possibly wounded by enemy fire in advance to Troarn | |
Pte P.J. Farnaby | 3195022 | Possibly wounded by enemy fire in advance to Troarn | |
Pte J. S. Russell | 3066851 | Possibly wounded by enemy fire in advance to Troarn | |
L/Cpl Henry Cockburn | 3196950 | Possibly wounded by enemy fire in advance to Troarn | |
Pte John Ritchie | 14214497 | Possibly wounded by enemy fire in advance to Troarn | |
L/Cpl D.M.S. Peter | 3197668 | *Special Mention page.* Badly wounded in minefield near Troarn. |