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Corporal (post Normandy)

Rank in Normandy


Service No.



Provided War Diary

I contacted 'Joe' through Facebook some years ago and he asked me to give him a call on the phone.

We spent a good hour talking about his life in the KOSB and what he did after the war. (He actually invited me to come and stay over if I was ever in his area!) He then sent me a CD with photos of every page of the 1st KOSB War Diary for their time in Normandy - which started me on my quest to build this site.

I asked if he ever fraternised with the pipe band but he said that most sections kept themselves to themselves. He did say he loved the sound of the pipes in the morning* and would often lie there and listen to them whilst laying in his bed when he should have been going to 'ablutions' and getting his kit ready!

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