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C.O. June 1944:

Major A.J. Rennie

2 i/c Capt. J. T. Skinner M.M. Wounded 6 July 44

Lieut. K. N. Drinkall Wounded 13 June 44

Lieut. P. Pattison

Lieut. N. Chalmers Wounded 7 Aug 44 *Capt.

C.S.M. C.S.M. C. Gaston Wounded 16 June 44

From Official War Diary: 11th June 1944: 'D' Coy captured a prisoner identified as a Cpl of 12 SS Div (Hitler Jugend) & killed two others of a patrol that was near their forward posns.

14th June: 'D' Coy reported landing of paratroops (unidentified)

15th June 1944: 'D' Coy brought in a prisoner, shot at whilst passing in motor-cycle combination. Valuable documents were found & sent to Div.

10th July 1944. CAEN. An OP was established overlooking the river. "C" & "D" Coys patrolled forward to the river ORNE and met heavy fire from South bank.

18th July 1944. The advance to TROARN was commenced and after reaching SANNERVILLE "D" & "B" Companies pushed forward encountering enemy MGs, whilst enemy shelling continued.

23rd July 1944. One platoon of "D" Company moved forward towards 2 RUR to take up position North of railway line. Four deserters from 346 Fus Bn came in through "D" Company lines.

27th July 1944. "D" & "B" Companies sent out patrols.

30th July 1944. An OP was established in "D" Company area to report on enemy shelling and mortar fire.

6th August 1944. The 'O' Group moved to S.L. at 0815 and the attack with "C" Coy on left and "D" Coy on right commenced at 0845 hrs.



Company Pipe tune:

Unknown (Link to Blue Bonnets O'er The Border)

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