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10 September 1944

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Sunday. The day was given over to recreation.

In the afternoon a soccer match between the Bn and the local French team attracted a large attendance. The Pipe Band performed before and after the game.

The GOC3 Br Inf Div was a guest for lunch.

In the evening a Bn Dance was held in the local hall.



10 September 1944


Etrepagny church. By Giogo - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Alternative Information (from books, personal accounts)

From 9th Infantry Brigade War Diary for 10th September:

Bde Comd SC and G3 attended the football match between 1 KOSB and Union Sportive d'Etrapagny in the Stadium at Etrapagny. It was a glorious afternoon and the crowd numbered about 1,000 excited French folk and a lesser number of soldiery. The pipe band of 1 KOSB coerced everyone into a good mood by their excellent piping, following which the team of 1 KOSB thoroughly drubbed an enthusiastic but very amateur French football team. At the end of the afternoon the state of entente cordiale was extremely high in Etrapagny.

Please contact us if you have any information regarding this date. Thank you.

KOSB badge on a poppy background

Died on this day =


KOSB Badge on a poppy background


10 September 1944


Wounded on this day =

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