15 August 1944
Start Location:
War Office map with kind permission of Normandy War Guide
End Location:
Night patrols reported small arms fire at 728323 and movement of MT at 732310.
Extensive patrols during the day found a wide area clear of enemy.
Three casualties were caused by an enemy A/P (anti-personnel) mine in the Carrier Pl area. No enemy shelling of area.
15 August 1944
The remains of a universal carrier blown up by a mine in Tilly-sur-Seulles, 19 June 1944. IWM
Alternative Information (from books, personal accounts)
15th August - Flers/Landisacq
Spent 10 days here.
From 9th Infantry Brigade War Diary for 15th August:
During the evening two PW were taken by 1 KOSB at 719297; they were identified as being from 1/3 Para Engr Bn and had been fighting as inf. This acute shortage of the enemy is rapidly showing itself by his emp of all types tradesmen for inf work regardless of their state of trg.
The three casualties mentioned in KOSB War Dairy are not listed below. *They could have been wounded after midnight as there are four mentioned under tomorrow's date. To be researched...
Died on this day =
15 August 1944
Wounded on this day =