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13 August 1944

Start Location:



War Office map with kind permission of Normandy War Guide

End Location:



The Bn was ordered to take over the village and the high ground at VIESSOIX, which protected the left flank of the Bde, from two Coys of 1 Gren Gds who had had a hard fight to take it two days before.

The advance party for the move to VIESSOIX left at 0630 hrs and the remainder of the Bn followed an hour later. Bn HQ was established at 698317.

Slight enemy shelling after midday but otherwise a quiet day.

At night 3 deserters came into our positions.

Patrols were sent out.



13 August 1944


A 1st KOSB private digs a deep slit-trench for shelter against mortar bombs. Vire 13th August 1944

IWM Video -

Alternative Information (from books, personal accounts)

From 9th Infantry Brigade War Diary for 13th August:

1 KOSB at VIESSOIX with HQ South of church in village; and 2 RUR at Pt 237 6531 on main rd VIRE – ESTRY, with Bde HQ at 649315.

Div instructed that bde be prepared to move at short notice, reason being the enemy seems to be making a gen withdrawal and a pursuit on the lines of Op "Wallop" is envisaged. Highlight of the day was the discovery of 13 dead Germans in 2 Lincolns area - one of whom was a woman attired as a German paratp NCO. Div were immediately infm of this interesting discovery. The day brought very little event apart from the usual routine contact patrols with flanking fmns, i.e., US forces on the right and 2 HCR on left.

Please contact us if you have any information regarding this date. Thank you.

KOSB badge on a poppy background

Died on this day =


KOSB Badge on a poppy background


13 August 1944


Wounded on this day =

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