11 August 1944
Start Location:
War Office map with kind permission of Normandy War Guide
End Location:
An attack towards TINCHEBRAY by 3 Br Inf Div with Gds Armd Div on the left and the 2nd US Div on the right started at 0900 hrs. 9 Inf Bde was in reserve and the Bn remained in its area at 4 hrs notice to move.
Towards the end of the day it became apparent that the 8th and 185 Inf Bdes had not got on as far as they had expected owing chiefly to mines and the difficult nature of the bocage country.
By the evening 185 Inf Bde were definitely held up by strong enemy MG and Mortar positions on Hill 312 6929. The Bn received a warning order that it would have to attack this the next morning if it had not yet been taken.
11 August 1944
Soldiers from the 2nd US Infantry Division and 3rd British Division's 9th Brigade (1st KOSB) share slit trenches and gun positions in the 'bocage' near Le Pont du Vaudry
IWM video - here
Alternative Information (from books, personal accounts)
Please contact us if you have any information regarding this date. Thank you.
Died on this day =
11 August 1944
Wounded on this day =