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10 August 1944

Start Location:



War Office map with kind permission of Normandy War Guide

End Location:



Early in the morning enemy shelling just outside area occurred at intervals for about an hour and a half.

Towards midday splinters from two rounds fired by an enemy S.P. set fire to the farm building at Bn HQ. This blazed rapidly and was soon completely burnt out. Practically no kit or equipment was lost.

Slight enemy shelling continued at intervals.

At 1700 hrs two patrols were sent out each platoon strength, under arty and mortar covering fire. The first reported the orchard at LE FAY 657307 clear of enemy. The second patrol came under heavy mortar fire on route to ROULLOURS and did not enter the village. This patrol had one casualty.



10 August 1944


War Office map with kind permission of Normandy War Guide

Alternative Information (from books, personal accounts)

From 9th Infantry Brigade War Diary for 10th August:

A 1 KOSB patrol was also engaged by the enemy from area 686313, but continued with its task in the area of ROULLOURS. Another patrol of the same unit est that LE FAYE 657307 was clear of enemy.

Please contact us if you have any information regarding this date. Thank you.

KOSB badge on a poppy background

Died on this day =


KOSB Badge on a poppy background


10 August 1944


Wounded on this day =

Cpl E. Sanderson
Possibly wounded on patrol between Vaudry and Roullours
Pte J.A. Chapman
Possibly wounded on patrol between Vaudry and Roullours
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