28 July 1944
Start Location:
War Office map with kind permission of Normandy War Guide
End Location:
Practically no enemy shelling by day.
At about 1700 hrs OPs reported two parties of enemy approaching, one to left flank, strength about 5 men, and one to right flank, strength about 3 men. Party on left was engaged by LMG fire and ran away. The enemy then opened up with 5cm
mortar and LMG fire on our left forward positions, especially that over the road. A vigorous reply was made to this fire first by our own small arms and 2" mortars and later by one battery of artillery. Several enemy casualties were observed and 3 dead bodies seen.
A patrol was sent out at night to obtain identifications from these. It could not reach the bodies owing to enemy opposition but retrieved a Spandau which had been left by the enemy in his flight.
28 July 1944
German soldier with Spandau machine gun - By Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1983-109-14A / Woscidlo, Wilfried / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 de,
Alternative Information (from books, personal accounts)
Please contact us if you have any information regarding this date. Thank you.
Died on this day =
28 July 1944