6 September 1944
Lieu de départ :
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Emplacement final :
Bn went on a 23 mile route march. The troops are now rounding into shape again and take everything in their stride.
Remainder of the Bn moved to new location at ETREPAGNY.
Bn HQ 552959. *Intelligence Section attended a course at Bde HQ.
Jour J+
6 September 1944
Etrepagny from above - taken 14th August 1944
<a href="">Etrépagny; Upper Normandy; France</a>
Informations alternatives (tirées de livres, de témoignages personnels)
From 9th Infantry Brigade War Diary for 6th September:
*The int course continued with a short written test. Owing to ops cas bn int secs have quite a number of new personnel. The test was designed to discover their state of trg. 1 KOSB with 68% headed the list.
Please contact us if you have any information regarding this date. Thank you.
KIA ce jour-là
6 September 1944