14 August 1944
Lieu de départ :
War Office map with kind permission of Normandy War Guide
Emplacement final :
Patrols reported no enemy except at 707316 where two sentries were heard.
Towards evening a prisoner was taken at 693320, identified as 10 Coy 21 SS Pgr (10 SS Pz Div).
Patrols were sent out at night and one reported tank movement in wood 722312.
Jour J+
14 August 1944
A Canadian soldier with 12 SS Panzer Division prisoner - 9th August 1944. Von Autor/-in unbekannt - Public Archives of Canada image, copyright expired., Gemeinfrei,
Informations alternatives (tirées de livres, de témoignages personnels)
From 9th Infantry Brigade War Diary for 14th August:
Later on, a strong patrol of 1 KOSB visited BOULAY AUX CHATS which was suspected of being the harbour of some enemy tks. As a result of this patrol a Victor task was laid on with 76 Fd Regt for 0730 hrs the following morning, target being the tk harbour.
Please contact us if you have any information regarding this date. Thank you.
KIA ce jour-là
14 August 1944