7 August 1944
Lieu de départ :
War Office map with kind permission of Normandy War Guide
Emplacement final :
Patrols were sent out and reported enemy still occupying position of previous day.
Enemy shelling and mortaring of Bn area occurred at midday.
A later patrol reported no enemy in wood 684335.
Further shelling and mortar fire occurred later in the day. One casualty.
Bn left for conc area after advance party from the Suffolk Regt arrived, and the take over was done Coy by Coy.
Jour J+
7 August 1944
Men of the 7th Battalion, Suffolk Regiment negotiate barbed wire obstacles during training on the beach at Sandbanks near Poole, 22 March 1941. By Malindine E G (Lt), War Office official photographer -
Informations alternatives (tirées de livres, de témoignages personnels)
*This is the last day any casualties (KIA) were recorded for the 1st Bttns time in Normandy.
From 9th Infantry Brigade War Diary for 7th August:
Patrols of both 2 Lincolns and 1 KOSB respectively reported contacting the enemy in some str in area 674385, 657327 and 658326, the Lincolns patrol having met and killed one German NCO on their travels. A rather informative deserter from A tk Bn of 3 Para Div who are in the line facing us, reported that they had one coy 100 m South of rly 6632 and their 2 and 3 coys fighting as inf – this stresses the pt that the enemy is finding manpower an increasingly difficult problem.
Please contact us if you have any information regarding this date. Thank you.
KIA ce jour-là
7 August 1944
Blessé ce jour-là
Capt N.C. Chalmers | 155958 | Possibly wounded by enemy shell fire in Pissot | |
Pte R.M. Spratt | 3194067 | Possibly wounded by enemy shell fire in Pissot | |
Pte J.H. Henderson | 14002569 | *Special Mention Page * Possibly wounded by enemy shell fire in Pissot |