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1 August 1944
Lieu de départ :
War Office map with kind permission of Normandy War Guide
Emplacement final :
Minden Day. The day was spent settling in at the new area.
A party went off to spend the day at 3 Div Club, and the Pipe Band played in the afternoon.
In the evening a percentage of the Bn attended an ENSA concert at Bde HQ.
A draft of 3 Offrs and 100 ORs chiefly from the Border Regt. arrived. (1 of these is likely to be Lt. Alan Don)
The Bn was standing by to move, but later word came through that this would not take place before the next day.
Jour J+
1 August 1944
1st KOSB Pipes & Drums (post war - Middle East)
Informations alternatives (tirées de livres, de témoignages personnels)
Please contact us if you have any information regarding this date. Thank you.
KIA ce jour-là
1 August 1944
Blessé ce jour-là
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