27 July 1944
Lieu de départ :
War Office map with kind permission of Normandy War Guide
Emplacement final :
In the early hours of the morning enemy aircraft flew above area and dropped flares and bombs in and around the Bn area.
Later, towards first light an exchange of small arms fire took place.
Lieut Robertson took over the duties of Intelligence Officer.
Enemy aircraft again over in the evening after dark, together with slight shelling to rear of area.
"D" & "B" Companies sent out patrols.
Jour J+
27 July 1944
Men of the South Lancashire Regiment, 3rd Division, inspect a captured German MP40 sub-machine gun, 13 June 1944. IWM
Informations alternatives (tirées de livres, de témoignages personnels)
Please contact us if you have any information regarding this date. Thank you.
KIA ce jour-là
27 July 1944