15 July 1944
Lieu de départ :
War Office map with kind permission of Normandy War Guide
Emplacement final :
The Commanding Officer held a Bn parade.
The advance party left just after midday for area near BREVILLE (1374).
The remainder of Bn prepared for the move, and the move commenced just before midnight.
Jour J+
15 July 1944
A Sherman Firefly of 'C' Squadron, 13th/18th Royal Hussars near Breville, 13 June 1944. IWM
Informations alternatives (tirées de livres, de témoignages personnels)
"Lt. King, our platoon officer, produced an aerial photograph which showed a group of houses clustered around a T-junction at the entrance to Troarn." A patrol of 3 men would be led by Lt. King to recce this junction. "We looked at each other with something akin to dismay and wondered whether we would survive."
Victor Campbell, 1st KOSB. From Monty's Ironsides P.80
*Lt. King would be wounded 4 days later.
15th July - Plumetot to Ranville
Left in lorries in the evening to relieve the 6th Airborne around Ranville. Arrived under cover of darkness and told to dig in. Ground was hard and full of flints (gliders also reported sparks from skids/ground when landing).
Please contact us if you have any information regarding this date. Thank you.
KIA ce jour-là
15 July 1944