Blessé au combat
L/Cpl D.M.S. Peter
Service No.
Original Regiment joined- (Based on their Service No).
The King's Own Scottish Borderers
Date Wounded:
Tuesday, 18 July 1944
Details of wounds - (Based on War Diary etc.)
*Special Mention page.* Badly wounded in minefield near Troarn.
18th October 9:30PM - Troarn, Normandy (Not 19th as reported in casualty figures)
Lance Corporal David Peter was leading his section around the outside edges of what they had been told was a minefield when, three or four yards in front of him, there was an explosion which he thought was an enemy bomb. He was blown back into this supposed minefield and landed on his knees, fully conscious and with no pain. He noticed his left arm was shattered and pretty 'tattered and torn'. Lance Corporal Peter has more details about his injury, and subsequent recovery, on a Special Mention page - here